Take a Breath
So spring is springing in Indiana! Everything is blooming, grass needs cutting, and all the plants are sprouting. Time to take a breath – or maybe feel the challenge of breathing.
Seasonal allergies are prevalent. Even if you don’t have much reaction to the pollen right now, it is still a great time to stop and breathe on purpose.
Breathing is the most essential function of life (if you stop breathing, it’s pretty much over). Conscious breathing using different breathing techniques can be used to change both psychological and physiological functions. Different breathing techniques can be used to aim for different effects. Yoga offers many different breathing techniques to aim for different effects – ujjayi, alternate nostril, or cooling breath (Click on the technique names for more details on how/why to do them).
When trying a conscious breathing technique:
Goal is smooth & even breathing. Uneven breath indicates straining or misalignment.
Breathing through the nose is recommended (it is the primary function of the nostrils). Breathe through the mouth if nostrils are blocked. KEEP BREATHING!
Pay attention to how you feel doing and after the technique. The intent of the technique might not do that for you!
Here are some suggestions from yoga and ayurveda on expanding your breath capacity.
Yoga poses to open up thoracic spine (around your rib cage) like bow & arrow, standing wide leg twist, seated twist, cat/cow, thread the needle, even child’s pose.
Neti pot/sinus cleansing – this can be helpful for those with seasonal allergies! I recommend applying a little oil to the inside of the nostrils after.